417Hz | SEED of LIFE | Wipes out the Negative Energies | Heal Old Negative Blockages【ひろめでぃあ YouTube(12月 10 日 16時 38分)with Google Translate】


417Hz | SEED of LIFE | Wipes out the Negative Energies | Heal Old Negative Blockages
   (2021-12-10 16:13:29)  >>>>記事へのLINK>>

528Hz | SEED of LIFE | Brings Positive Transformation | Heals Golden Chakra
   (2021-12-10 15:03:06)  >>>>記事へのLINK>>

Remove all Negative Blocks | 417Hz Om Chanting #shorts by #meditativemind
   (2021-12-07 11:47:46)  >>>>記事へのLINK>>

(12月 10日 16時 38分 fromひろめでぃあ YouTube)